Wellness Rx MedSpa

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Wellness Rx MedSpa is committed to providing an integrative path that enriches your quest for natural well-being and self-assurance with a blend of holistic and anti-aging techniques. You can choose from comprehensive weight loss programs to advanced skin care treatments including Botox and fillers that are meticulously selected to elevate your health and bolster your confidence. Aiming to rejuve- nate and restore, the central focus is on innovative, nonin- vasive therapies that enhance rather disrupt. Embracing the principles of holistic wellness, Wellness Rx MedSpa is devoted to crafting a personalized and impactful journey to fulfill your health and aesthetic goals, ensuring you radiate with vitality and youthfulness.


Radiesse is more than just a dermal filler; it’s a biostimulator that naturally enhances your body’s collagen production for smoother, fuller skin. This change develops gradually, yielding a natural look. At Wellness Rx Medspa, we offer Radiesse as part of our body contouring services, which include enhancing curves, smoothing cellulite, and rejuvenating the overall body. These treatments work to improve your skin’s texture, tone, and volume, giving you a refreshed and youthful appearance.

Treatment areas:
  • Face – The injection works by encouraging collagen formation in the targeted area, which firms and tightens the skin. It’s also an ideal way to naturally restore lost facial volume.
  • Cellulite Treatment – This treatment includes injecting Radiesse into targeted sections of the legs to lessen the visibility of cellulite, which leads to a smoother and more toned appearance.
  • Booty Enhancement – This innovative, non-invasive treatment requires minimal recovery time. Injecting Radiesse promotes collagen production in the targeted area, enabling your body to naturally enhance volume and giving you a fuller, more sculpted booty that you’ll love.
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